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<td class="ft11" width="100%">Hello Sir,
<div><br><br> I m trying to move to Ubuntu. I have two version of it 5.10
& 5.04 (i have send request for version 6.06 CD)<br><br>When i insert the install CD in to CDROM and rebooting system .I
gets the main menu which generally comes. After this when i press ENTER for installation my PC is going to restart.......<br><br><font face="Arial" size="2">My system information is given Below. This i have copied form WINDOWS 2000 PROF
<div> </div>
<div><font face="Arial" size="2">System Information report written at: 07/26/2006
06:43:10 PM<br>[System Summary]</font></div>
<div> </div>
<div><font face="Arial" size="2">Item Value<br>OS Name Microsoft Windows
2000 Professional<br>Version 5.0.2195 Service Pack 4 Build 2195<br>OS
Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation<br>System Name MUKUL<br>System
Manufacturer Compaq Presario 061<br>System Model PP018AA-ACJ SR1235IL
FD440<br>System Type X86-based PC<br>Processor x86 Family 15 Model 2
Stepping 9 GenuineIntel ~2800 Mhz<br>BIOS Version Phoenix - AwardBIOS
v6.00PG<br>Windows Directory C:\WINNT<br>System
Directory C:\WINNT\system32<br>Boot
Device \Device\Harddisk0\Partition1<br>Locale United States<br>User
Name MUKUL\Administrator<br>Total Physical Memory 253,424
KB<br>Available Physical Memory 26,116 KB<br>Total Virtual
Memory 1,580,084 KB<br>Available Virtual Memory 1,139,200 KB<br>Page
File Space 1,326,660 KB<br>Page File C:\pagefile.sys<br>Page
File D:\pagefile.sys</font></div>
<div> <br>
I have also installed Redhat 9.0 so its inatalling
properly but its showing some GRUB error.<br>
I m not getting proper GRUB,One Black screen coming with GRUB version name & GRUB prompt like this: <br>
But i m able to Boot Windows & Linux from command.<br>
<br>But still my Redhat is not working properly ,its showing some X SERVER ERROR<br>
So I want to move towards UBUNTU but its also creating problem for me.<br>
It's not showinmg some error ,its not INTALLING ........... <br>
I thinkmy BIOS hard drive setting is Compatible for
installing UBUNTU.if it BIOS setting maters so how i can what fix
this problem???<br>
OR any other resone form which i m not able to install UBUNTU...................<br>
PLzz help me BUDDY<br>
How i can install UBUNTU???????????????????????????????????????<br>
Thanking in advance<br>
plzz replyy <br></div>
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