I am making the next version of my Hoary based
livecd using the image of my previous version.I have the following
1.How to add vlc player to the Multimedia menu<br>
2.To disable the autologin of user ubuntu in the gettys.. I know I have to remove the user ubuntu but I don`t wanna mess up.<br>
3.No autologin.What file do I have to edit ?<br>
4.New GDM<br>
5.New default theme<br>
6.Can I change the default user name...I know I have to change the name
in the sudoers list as well... Will that bring up any problems.<br>
7.I am modifying a Mac OS X default wallpaper and using it as my default... Is that illegal or somethin.. (Just curious)<br>
8.Also no sound comes in Frozen-Bubble,supertux and tuxracer .. It
worked on my installed system.I used the same packages to alter the
livecd as well <br>
I am not installing any new packages this time.Except Blender and
a SudoKu game both are not packages.. binary files... So also have to
add them to the menu.<br>
Like /home/ubuntu/blender/blender<br>
Thats it for now will add more later once I remember...<br>