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<TITLE>RE: AMD Dual Core CPU's & HT Tech</TITLE>
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ruscook wrote:<BR>
> I agree the AMD seem a superior chip at the moment but I don't<BR>
> think this last is true. The AMD chips perform as fast in 32 as<BR>
> 64 bit mode. It's my understanding that only expanded address<BR>
> space and 64bit specific instructions will benefit from 64 bit mode.<BR>
Correct. 64bit CPU does not mean the CPU is able to run (excecuted instructions) twice as fast as a 32bit CPU. That seems to a common misconception. 64bit primarily means the ability to address more memory.<BR>
More details can be found at <A HREF="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/64_bit">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/64_bit</A><BR>
And yeah.. AMD64 kicks butt. Very impressive performance. (using it at home and as server platforms at the office). :-)<BR>
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