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Jordan Miller wrote:
I have searched Google and all Ubuntu sites I can find. I am sure there
is a simple answer, but I do not know the name of the command. How can
I administer user accounts using only the command line?
I have a headless Ubuntu install (5.10) serving as a webserver, but i
need to add a few admin user accounts. I found the new unofficial
ubuntu guide at: <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://easylinux.info/wiki/Ubuntu#Users_Administration">http://easylinux.info/wiki/Ubuntu#Users_Administration</a>
, but alas, the instructions require a GUI.
<font size="-1"><font face="sans-serif">sudo useradd <username><br>
sudo passwd <username><br>
That will add a user called <username> and allow you to create a
password for that user.<br>
There are also usermod and userdel commands. Have a look at the man
pages for those, as I can't remember the options that can be used in