<div id="RTEContent">In the synaptic pkg mgr.. It lists the items that are installed, if you click status. The shell that Ubuntu normally uses is small, like 0.50.11 or something like that. They also list a Bourne Again, Korn and Dash, Bash, something like that too. The Bourne Again is like 3.05, the Korn is 5. something, and the other is like 6-7. In the description tab, it says that the Bash is what most users prefer to use, but the Bourne Again is from Berkely I think, and is a kind of happy medium. Ubuntu says the small one that they use is less prone for breakage when loading a new kernel, patching, or updating. It doesn't give you much room for expansion though!<br><br><b><i>Vram <lamsokvr@xprt.net></i></b> wrote:<blockquote class="replbq" style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;"> On Thu, 2005-12-29 at 18:11 -0800, James Diehl wrote:<br>> The Ubuntu shell is a small shell that
works with Debian, not bash or<br>> korn.<br>> If you want to use the bash codes, you will have to change your shell<br>> to the Bourne Again shell (3.05 I believe), that uses the best<br>> attributes of bash and Korn, or install the larger bash or korn<br>> kernels. I have tried several bash codes in terminal with the smaller<br>> Debian, and it didn't even recognize the codes I entering.<br>> Diehl, James<br>> <br><br><br><br>I don't see a shell called Ubuntu<br><br>Where is it???<br><br><br>Vram<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>> Vram <lamsokvr @xprt.net=""> wrote:<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>> On Fri, 2005-12-30 at 02:28 +0100, Leo Cacciari wrote:<br>> > Il giorno gio, 29/12/2005 alle 13.35 -0500, alex ha scritto:<br>> > > For several years, I've been using aliases like the<br>> following in all<br>> > > the linuxes that I've
used.<br>> > > <br>> > > alias xpa+='mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt/da1; cd /mnt/da1;<br>> ls -aF'<br>> > > --color=auto'<br>> > > alias xpa-='cd; umount -l /mnt/da1'<br>> > > <br>> > > These two and several others are stored in /root/.bashrc.<br>> > > <br>> > > I'm having a problem with these aliases in ubuntu because<br>> of <br>> > > sudo...I can't execute them from /root/.bashrc with or<br>> without sudo.<br>> > > <br>> > > In other Linuxes, all I have to do is type ... xpa+ or<br>> xpa- and I have<br>> > > access to Windows or in similar fashion, can access other<br>> Linuxes.<br>> > > For example, I have three ubuntus installed and can cross<br>> access them<br>> > > except from
one of them. (Two of the ubuntus have sudo<br>> disabled)<br>> > <br>> > Well, there are two solutions I can see. First, you could<br>> simply ignore<br>> > the sudo thing and use your commands after becoming root<br>> using 'su'.<br>> > Another one is to add your aliases to the adminstrative user<br>> aliases<br>> > (/home/whatever/.bash_aliases). If you do this, however, you<br>> must change<br>> > your aliases by adding 'sudo' in front of them. Beware that<br>> for multiple<br>> > commands (such as the above examples) you must either add<br>> sudo in front<br>> > of each command, or execute them all in a subshell: <br>> > <br>> > alias xpa+='sudo sh -c "mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt/da1;\<br>> > cd /mnt/da1; ls -aF'"<br>> <br>>
quotes are backwards ^^^^^<br>> <br>> <br>> I think<br>> <br>> Vram<br>> <br>> <br>> > <br>> > Hope that helps<br>> > <br>> > <br>> <br>> <br>> -- <br>> ubuntu-users mailing list<br>> ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com<br>> http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-users<br>> <br>> <br>> <br>> <br><br><br>-- <br>ubuntu-users mailing list<br>ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com<br>http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-users<br></lamsokvr></blockquote><br></div><BR><BR>