Mate you should get out more......<br><br><div><span class="gmail_quote">On 14/12/05, <b class="gmail_sendername">Eric Dunbar</b> <<a href=""></a>> wrote:</span><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">
Great. Yet another POSITIVE comment coming out of the Linux<br>"community" (whatever that may be... open source/Linux fandamentalism<br>is harmful IMNSHO).<br><br>>From Google Talk:<br>"5. What protocols are used for voice calls?
<br><br>Google Talk supports a custom XMPP-based signaling protocol and<br>peer-to-peer communication mechanism. We will fully document this<br>protocol. In the near future, we plan to support SIP signaling.<br><br>6. Which voice codecs do you support?
<br><br>Today, Google Talk supports the following standard voice codecs: PCMA,<br>PCMU, G.723, iLBC. We are also evaluating the Speex codec. We also<br>support codecs from Global IP Sound: ISAC, IPCMWB, EG711U, EG711A"
<br><br>"3. Do you plan to support the Google Talk client on other platforms?<br><br>We look forward to the Google Talk client supporting Linux and Mac OSX<br>in the future."<br><br>Take deep breath. Step on soap box.
<br><br>I am tired of hearing people whinge about open source and/or Linux and<br>how companies/individuals should jump to support their favourite<br>distro without providing the company with incentive or reason to do<br>
so. Just because is not good enough!<br><br>To set the record straight re: Google Talk, Linux and the obligations<br>of Linux users re: others.<br><br>A. Linux is provided with only one string attached!<br>Changes/improvements to the software covered by the licence(s) must be
<br>made available to others. NOTHING MORE! No other legal or moral<br>obligation gets placed on the user regarding their own software/other<br>software. NONE!!! ABSOLUTELY NONE<br><br>If we reason that merely because a company (
e.g. Google) _uses_ Linux<br>they are obligated to write software for Linux (for free ($$$)<br>presumbly), then we can also reason that every single individual USER<br>of Linux who uses Linux in their professional lives (or personal
<br>lives), then they owe the wider "Linux community" their services FOR<br>FREE!<br><br>B. Dealing with FACTS.<br><br>(General comment... see two paragraphs below) Resources are FINITE.<br>Linux on the desktop is a TINY market (vs. Windows) with little
<br>potential to SELL software. Most Linuxers expect FREE ($$$) software,<br>and, some purists demand free (code) software (the two groups are NOT<br>necessarily the same). Neither of these attitudes are conducive to the<br>
SALE of software (reminder: see 2 para below before commenting)<br><br>>>From a practical point of view it makes little sense to devote<br>resources to making an app for a group of platforms which comprise a<br>tiny portion of the paying market. Mac OS X is a better choice because
<br>it's one platform, has a respectable number of users (vs. desktop<br>Linux... to paraphrase the US comment on the EU governance model...<br>"who do we consult when we want to code for `Linux'?"), and, is a<br>
great spring-board for going to Linux given that Mac OS X is a full<br>blown *nix (that doesn't change every five minutes or has a wide range<br>of configuration issues).<br><br>PS Granted, Google doesn't make its money off selling user-level
<br>software (except for Google Earth so far), but, that still doesn't<br>mean they should run out and write software IMMEDIATELY (when they<br>state they will do so eventually) which is going to divert scarce<br>resources from other worthwhile projects (and, arguably Google is
<br>doing AMAZING things with their scarce resources... Google Maps really<br>is giving the others a run for their money... I haven't use MapQuest<br>for aeons and Yahoo Maps is only pulled up in rare occasions).<br><br>B. Part two: See the quotes above. According to their OWN statements,
<br>Google IS planning on Mac OS X and Linux versions! And, Google WILL<br>release the information needed for 3rd parties to do voice chat with<br>Google Talk (and, someone else on this list posted that one of the<br>authors of GAIM has established ties with Google Talk).
<br><br>Take deep breath. End of soap box rant!<br><br>Eric.<br><br>On 12/13/05, Serg Belokamen <<a href=""></a>> wrote:<br>> Its rather ironic isn't it. Google, company essentialy built on Linux
<br>> technologies does not provide Linux clients to users. A very nice<br>> thank you in did. Do no evil my ass.<br>><br>> Serg<br>><br>> On 14/12/05, Giorgos <<a href=""></a>> wrote:<br>> > The only reason I keep booting into windows is to use the voice chat<br>> > feature of google talk. It doesn't work with wine atm and I can connect<br>> > to google talk's servers with gaim but you have to have the official
<br>> > client to use the voice chat.<br>> ><br>> > This functionality is vital to me, I have installed skype but it gives<br>> > me problems (laggy in both windows and linux versions.)<br>> >
<br>> ><br>> > --<br>> > ubuntu-users mailing list<br>> > <a href=""></a><br>> > <a href=""></a><br>> ><br>><br>> --<br>> ubuntu-users mailing list<br>> <a href=""></a><br>>
<a href=""></a><br>><br><br>--<br>ubuntu-users mailing list<br><a href="">
</a><br><a href=""></a><br></blockquote></div><br>