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Vram wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid1133502521.10405.294.camel@localhost.localdomain"
<pre wrap="">On Thu, 2005-12-01 at 20:55 -0500, David A. Cobb wrote:
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">I have needed to tear my system down and start over from the CD a
couple of times now. Up until now, it has been successful to save
my /etc/passwd, /etc/group, and /etc/shadow files so I don't lose my
(human) accounts.
<pre wrap="">
Why are you saving this stuff???
You are starting over
Just Wondering?
<pre class="moz-signature" cols="72">For my human users. I don't want to compromise anyone's privacy. They are not "starting over." I get enough static as it is because of instabilities in the system. It's fair enough -- I cause most of them! I rarely leave "well enough" alone.
David A. Cobb, Software Engineer, Public Access Advocate
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