On 11/27/05, <b class="gmail_sendername">albi</b> <<a href="mailto:albi@scii.nl">albi@scii.nl</a>> wrote:<div><span class="gmail_quote"></span><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">
<rant-mode off><br>you sound like a mainstream 1st world capitalist consumer contributing<br>nothing to open-source at all<br><br>for your information, you are now using "The Internet", if Microsoft had<br>
their way, you'd be using MicroSoft Network instead, of course<br>completely incompatible with anything not MicroSoft-based or<br>MicroSoft-owned..<br><br>start contributing to a nicer future for EVERYONE by supporting<br>
opensource standards rather than using or wanting to use proprietary<br>ones and whining on this list<br></rant-mode off><br><br>--<br>grtjs, albi<br>gpg-key: lynx -dump <a href="http://scii.nl/~albi/gpg.asc">http://scii.nl/~albi/gpg.asc
</a> | gpg --import<br><br>--<br>ubuntu-users mailing list<br><a href="mailto:ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com">ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com</a><br><a href="http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-users">http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-users
I would love to start contributing. And I will but it will take some
time. First I have to get the networking problem sorted out so I can
connect to something, anything, after that I will work on learning how
exactly to contribute. As other's in this thread have noted many things
taken for granted in other operating systems don't paly well in Linux.
So it goes. (I am also aware the opposite is true). I was impressed
when I popped in the Warty Live CD Booted up and cruised right on out
to the 'net. I liked the GUI and apps that came with it. So when I got
a free 40 gb hd I partitioned it and installed Ubuntu to one of the
partitions. At that point I was a bit underwhelmed. I posted my network
problem and the only real suggestions I get to fix it are recompile the
kernel with new driver support for my nic or reinstall a newer version
of Ubuntu. ( I have chosen the latter route as I have never compiled a
kernel and telling me I should is a far cry from telling me how to do
it. It seems a lot of advice here assumes a rather large amount of
knowledge on the part of the recipients. You suggested unhappy folks
stop whining and contribute. OK but for many of us not being able to
get our systems up and running even on a basic level sorta prevents
contributing and not complaining the lack of function and/or helpful
advice won't really get things running. I prsonally don't mind a really
complicated solution as long as it is really a solution. Realize though
not everyone is a programmer and some solutions will go right over
their head.<br>
Just Saying<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Carlton "Kermit" Noles<br>==================<br>Qui tacet consentit---"he who remains silent consents"<br>==================<br>Want your own GMail Account? <br>Ask Me for an invite.