<tt>**I sent this a couple of times today but I never saw it post. Forgive me if it posts repeatedly.**<br>
<tt>I remember that with Hoary and my notebook which had an IPW2200, every </tt><tt>time I updated the linux-headers I would clobber the new driver for the</tt><br>
<tt>ipw2200 and replace it with the oilder, malfuntioning one which shipped </tt><tt>with Hoary. </tt><br>
<tt>Now I'm on a new machine, and ndiswrapper makes the Dell wireless card </tt><tt>work. Will updating the linux-headers clobber that functionality and</tt><br>
<tt>make me re-run the ndiswrapper install or is ndiswrapper separate from </tt><tt>the kernel headers/</tt><br>
<tt> </tt><br>