<br><br>-> > i would like to know the commands.i tried help on the terminal but the<br>> > help was inconlusive.<br>> > please do not give the name of any reference book if possible.<br>><br>> More suggestions...
<br>><br>> <a href="http://www.linuxcommand.org/">http://www.linuxcommand.org/</a><br>><br>> <a href="http://del.icio.us/tag/bash">http://del.icio.us/tag/bash</a><br><br>>I often recommend<br><br>><a href="http://tuxfiles.org">
http://tuxfiles.org</a><br><br>>which is aimed at new users.<br>>http:/freeengineer.org/learnUNIXin10minutes.html<br><br>
well i thank every one of u for helping me out and providing the above mentioned sites.<br>
they all were very useful.the below written command was provided a friend of mine. hope it helps others too.<br>
<pre><tt>Try this command 'info coreutils' (without quotes), which should give <br>you the manual for the core commands on any Unix/Linux system.<br>[note:provided info's is installed ]</tt></pre>