I Have just installed breezy on a IBM T20. I actualy had the
preview version of breezy before but have done a total
re-install. <br>
When I log in I get a blank screen with just the gnome brown background
and the cursor for over 10 minites before I can do anything;(.<br>
Any idea why,<br>
Ben<br>-- <br>Ben Edwards - Bristol, UK, England<br>WARNING:This email contained partisan views - dont ever accuse me of using the veneer of objectivity<br>If you have a problem emailing me use<br><a href="http://www.gurtlush.org.uk/profiles.php?uid=4">
http://www.gurtlush.org.uk/profiles.php?uid=4</a><br>(email address this email is sent from may be defunct)