Wow, that works great. Too bad you have to edit config files manually
to make it happen. I have 4 Ubuntu computers in my house and one
printer, now they can share.<br>
I wonder if a script like /etc/cups/cupsd-browsing.conf could be made
for cups serving. Also the printer connected directly to a machine
should have a right-click menu option to "share printer on network".
Then life would be sweet!<br>
BTW in the mean time this hack should be documented in <a href=""></a><br><br><div><span class="gmail_quote">On 10/16/05, <b class="gmail_sendername">Chosechu</b> <<a href=""></a>> wrote:</span><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">Niki Kovacs wrote:<br>> Two or three lines to add in /etc/cups/cupsd.conf on the server side,
<br>> one line to add in /etc/cups/client.conf on the client side, restart,<br>> serve hot. Details see below.<br><br>Will try. Thanks for the tip!<br><br>> Forget the GUIs. I'm a Slack veteran, so believe me: vi is your friend
<br>> for configuring your PC :oD (I l-o-v-e Ubuntu though... first non-Slack<br>> distro I really dig)<br><br>You have a point there, which I'd like to digress upon. Allow me.<br><br>Having fought for years with Unix, I do enjoy having only ASCII
<br>files to deal with to configure complex systems. Allows for all<br>kinds of scripts and cron job manipulations and automated tasks<br>and the like. Neat. But there are some times when you just want<br>things to run out of the box, nothing fancy nor evolved, and you
<br>have no intention of becoming the expert in town for that topic.<br><br>In that particular case: I have a printer connected to an Ubuntu box<br>and I would like to share it with other computers on the LAN. On a Mac<br>
this means ticking a box in System Preferences. On Windows I have no<br>idea but it is probably not terribly more complex. On Linux I have<br>never been able to sort that through in a repeatable way. I used Debian<br>a lot and dist-upgrading regularly broke my CUPS settings, to a point
<br>where printing had just become a recurrent half-day task I had to plan<br>in advance if I needed some things printed out on schedule. I used to<br>have a CVS repository running just to store /etc files because they<br>
would be broken during most upgrades. I am probably ahead of my time<br>but I'd consider printer sharing on a LAN something you should not need<br>veteran skills to get done.<br><br>Ok, 'nuff said. I guess the next constructive step will be to gather
<br>knowledge about CUPS and try to build some configuration scripts or<br>GUI that just turn the feature on by massaging configuration files<br>correctly without requiring the user to become a CUPS expert. CUPS<br>is a nice system but we all have other things to deal with, don't we?
<br><br>Same argument probably applies to many other common user needs.<br>I have no doubt Ubuntu can reach a user-friendly level at least similar<br>to what Mac OS has, it is already partly there.<br><br>Sorry if this sounds harsh, I really mean to be constructive here.
<br><br>--<br>Chosechu <<a href=""></a>><br><br>--<br>ubuntu-users mailing list<br><a href=""></a><br><a href=""></a><br><br></blockquote></div><br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>David Foster<br>Scout Master Troop 4003<br>Bellingham WA<br><a href="">