I installed Breezy a few weeks ago and everything worked. <br>
Now, with the official release, things are falling apart.<br>
I need to start my wireless manually. And mount...<br>
I can't switch between music players without rebooting.<br>
The fan is acting weird.<br>
This is not good. This is not good at all. <br>
I was so delighted with the Breezy pre-release, but after six weeks of updates I'm thinking seriously of going back to redhat;<br>
At least the updates didn't break stuff. <br>
You're going too fast, I think. It seems like everyday I was updating
half the system and each time another little piece of my system died.
What made you think you were at an official release? The calendar? The
calendar, right?<br>
It's too bad.<br>
Such promise. <br>