Here's the story:<br>
I'm on a breezy laptop.<br>
In the other room, I have a FC2 server with this /etc/exports<br>
I won't explain the two exports for /home/stephen unless you think I should.<br>
Ok so on my breezy laptop I do this from my user console:<br>
~$ mkdir sroom<br>
stephen@ubuntu:~$ ls -l<br>
drwxr-xr-x 2 stephen stephen 4096 2005-09-20 20:16 Desktop<br>
drwxr-xr-x 2 stephen stephen 4096 2005-09-22 18:26 sroom<br>
Note that stephen owns sroom.<br>
Then I do this from a root console<br>
# mount sroom:/home/stephen /home/stephen/sroom<br>
root@ubuntu:/home/stephen# ls -l<br>
drwxr-xr-x 2 stephen stephen 4096 2005-09-20 20:16 Desktop<br>
drwx------ 93 500 500 12288 2005-09-21 07:38 sroom<br>
Huh? 500.500? 500 does not appear as a uid or guid in my user listings. <br>
But ok, I try from my user console:<br>
~$ cd sroom<br>
bash: cd: sroom: Permission denied<br>
No surprise. Things are strange. <br>
Wait! There's more. Let's do this from my root console:<br>
# mkdir /home/stephen/<br>
# mount sroom:/mnt/windows /home/stephen/<br>
# ls -l<br>
drwxr-xr-x 2 stephen stephen 4096 2005-09-20 20:16 Desktop<br>
drwxr-xr-x 2 stephen stephen 4096 2005-09-22 18:26 sroom<br>
drwxrwxrwx 57 root root 32768 1969-12-31 16:00<br>
and from my user console:<br>
$ cd<br>
$ ls<br>
<long listing of files deleted><br>
Well! Maybe root has some magic. So with the root console in /home/stephen I do this:<br>
# umount sroom<br>
# rm -rf sroom<br>
# mkdir sroom<br>
# mount sroom:/home/stephen /home/stephen/sroom <br>
# ls -l<br>
drwxr-xr-x 2 stephen stephen 4096 2005-09-20 20:16 Desktop<br>
drwx------ 93 500 500 12288 2005-09-21 07:38 sroom<br>
drwxrwxrwx 57 root root 32768 1969-12-31 16:00<br>
So? I'm perplexed. Any ideas?