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<p>> Seems like a fine distinction, esp for a Linux distro. And</p>
<p>> to compound the hair splitting, being worthy is not</p>
<p>> necessarily the same as being good.</p>
<p>Probably, but he didn't state that Debian was more unworthy or worse than Ubuntu - only that he got more help on the Ubuntu mailing list than on the debian one.</p>
<p>I just do not think it is fair to let your frustrations, dont get me wrong here, be justified by his joy, and question his experience with Ubuntu.</p>
<p>> BTW I </p>
<p>> noticed on the web forum *other* 64-bit questionners</p>
<p>> who were also unanswered. Is there some secret problem</p>
<p>> with the AMD64 bit version? Gentoo, SuSE, and Knoppix</p>
<p>> all work great on my Athlon 64/motherboard, but not Ubuntu.</p>
<p>Could be. I don't know anything about 64 bits AMD processors apart from them having twice as many bits as 32 bits ;-)</p>