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Although it may seem like a good idea to provide "package disks" for
ubuntu, I can see a number of problems:<br>
1. As far as I am aware, the majority of users do have internet access,
and therefore the time costs in producing a set of "package cds" would
be very expensive considering the size of the target audience.<br>
2. Debian does ship with package CDs, 8 of them... plus an additional 2
updates CDs. If this were to be done, the number of CDs to be
distributed would be huge.<br>
3. Packages update daily, I personally use Debian unstable most of the
time, and packages are available for update on a daily basis. How would
it be possible to keep the package CDs updated, without a massive cost
in time?<br>
- - Andy<br>
me wrote:<br>
| hi,<br>
| i am not a ubuntu user but i am interrested in the positive
development of this distribution. your system is suitable for end users
that like to switch to linux. my preference is too complicated but i am
capable to design it so i can use gentoo.<br>
| my bro - a new ubuntuuser isnt - not able to use the console as i do,
so he got a ubuntu to install and that worked (he told me about using
the mouse in a x :)<br>
| yesterday he liked to watch a moviedvd - a task that i perform
seldom, because it is not as easy as in windows.<br>
| i realized that even with the installdvd there where no packages that
could manage this, he got no net so watching dvd got a strange session
copying software from a knoppix cd... (did not work as expected...)<br>
| anyway, what id like to propose to you is that you need package media
| offline users or low bandwidth users cannot download hundred of
megabytes of additional software, but they often have cdrom drives.<br>
| of course there are too many packages available to suit all users but
these packages can be ordered:<br>
| (example, discuss that!)<br>
| development:<br>
| compiler, kdevelop, eclipse, librarys, csv, documentation<br>
| office:<br>
| ooffice, koffice, browser, money, instant messaging<br>
| mmedia:<br>
| player, ripper, (audio|video)editors, imageviewers, example media<br>
| network:<br>
| analyzers, generators, webserver, browser, instant messaging<br>
| games:<br>
| games (llgp.org <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="http://llgp.org"><http://llgp.org></a>)<br>
| a mounted disc should be available as installable in the packagelist.<br>
| this would prevent these new users from leaving linux from
disapointment of missing packages.<br>
| a user cannot get to a internetcafe for every dependency a package
| i hope that i can deliver two or more cds to my switching clients
with the next releases.<br>
| thanks for your time<br>
| m<br>
| --<br>
| attack terror bomb fire blow airplane 2006-05-04 03:02:01<br>
| explosion friend money credit card secret confidential<br>
| skyscraper death kill al quaeda cai police gun shoot osama<br>
| cia fbi dea mi5 nsc bka usss nsa kgb fsb g10 pope<br>
| h: md5 hack sleep war destruction white house pentagon<br>
| blood trojan virus beheading unforgiven god islam iraq<br>
| busch kennedy massacre soccer counter countdown alien<br>
| ufo file<br>
| please report other patterns that may lead to storage<br>
| in high security government databases.<br>
| جديد الموقع<br>
- -- <br>
- ---------------------------------------------------<br>
~ Andrew Millar (<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:andy-mail@priorityonline.net">andy-mail@priorityonline.net</a>) <br>
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