<font face="verdana, arial, helvetica" size="2">Hello, <br>
I have been using Firefox for some time now. I found out that after a
few hours of use, it would run very slowly, and not just the program,
but my whole computer would run slowly. I could get things back to
normal if I just quit the program and restart it. <br>
<br> I sought out some help in my distro's set up IRC room, and they
said that it runs slowly because Firefox has a memory leak. They
recommended I try another browser. So now I'm using Galeon, which I've
been told, is tied very smoothly with the Gnome that comes wiith my
Anyway, I'd like to make Galeon have the following traits:<br>
a) Make Galeon open up mailto links in the web version of gmail compose screen.<br>
b) When running fullscreen mode, the status bar hides away (default),
which is the way I like it. But in this mode, is there a way to get the
selected hyperlink showing what URL is being pointed at?<br>
c) I tried remapping the "Go Back" command to Backspace, just like in
Firefox and IE, but when I'm in a textbox, the backspace key can't
function normally. Is there a way we can have Galeon smarten up?<br>
d) How can we have the spinner/throbber (on the upper-right hand corner
of the program) opens up whatever website we want, rather than <a href="http://galeon.sourceforge.net/?" target="_blank">http://galeon.sourceforge.net/?</a><br>
e) make the tab close on middle-button click (ala Firefox). This would therefore obviate the "X" on the tabs <br>
f)make new tab open on doubleclick in free space ((like Firefox)<br>
g) undo close tab on middleclick in free space (like a tab extension for Firefox)<br>
h)search through all text in webpage, and not just links, when i start typing<br>
i) have fullscreen really be full screen (no toolbars, address bar)<br>
j) Is there a way to have Ctrl-Tab cycle through tabs (like Opera)?<br>
i) making irc:// links a protocol that Galeon recognizes. I'd like Galeon to open up Xchat for me with the selected chatroom<br>
thank you for your help!<br>