I have just installed ubuntu 5.04 on my laptop, and everything seems to work fine exept from a couple of issues:<br>
1) I need some help with the gnome-vfs. What i need is to be able to
save directly to a ftp server. I am migrating from windows to linux,
and in windows i use dreamweaver. Dreamweaver has its own ftp app, and
that gives me the possibility to save directly to a ftp location. I
would very much like to do the same on linux, and i have understood
that the gnome-vfs is perfect for this. I have managed to connect to
the ftp server and browsing and file deliting/renaming etc. works fine.
But when i use bluefish, the web authoring program, to open the files,
i cannot save them to this ftp location - then, bluefish just stops
responding. How can i set up gnome-vfs to do this?<br>
2) On some input fields the text is not visible! So far i have noticed
this in some forms and in some programs. E.g. in the admin backend
section of the Mambo Open Source CMS all fields have invisible text,
exept from textarea fields where an external javacript wysiwyg editor
is loaded. And again, in bluefish, the whole main code entering box has
invisible text. I say invisible, because if i select the text, i can
see from the paragraphs etc. that is there - but i cannot see it.
Textedit and Open Office seems to work fine, as well as most forms on
the internet.<br>
I appreciate any help that i can get! Keep in mind that i have no clue
about commands etc, i have used ubuntus apps to do all administration
and configuring so far.<br>
August Lilleaas, norway<br>