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Vincent Trouilliez wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid1109035080.14852.60.camel@localhost.localdomain"
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre wrap="">i have a old PCTV too, it works with tvtime if i apply this:
sudo rmmod bttv
sudo rmmod tuner
sudo modprobe bttv card=1 tuner=0
<pre wrap=""><!---->
Just an idea... what version of Hoary are you using ?
I use the Array 5 which I upgraded just before trying to get the TV
working. Maybe you have an "older" (no matter how little) build of
Hoary, which happened to work ?
i have upgraded from Warty, i don't think that's the problem because i
have to do<br>
the same in debian sid.<br>
Maybe your card has a different tuner, the problem is how to find out
which the right tuner is.<br>
You could use google to find all possible combination of your card and
tuners and try and error<br>
like i did.<br>
here's a list of cards and tuners:<br>
card=0 - *** UNKNOWN ***
card=1 - MIRO PCTV
card=2 - Hauppauge old
card=3 - STB
card=4 - Intel
card=5 - Diamond DTV2000
card=6 - AVerMedia TVPhone
card=7 - MATRIX-Vision MV-Delta
card=8 - Fly Video II
card=9 - TurboTV
card=10 - Hauppauge new (bt878)
card=11 - MIRO PCTV pro
card=12 - ADS Technologies Channel Surfer TV
card=13 - AVerMedia TVCapture 98
card=14 - Aimslab VHX
card=15 - Zoltrix TV-Max
card=16 - Pixelview PlayTV (bt878)
card=17 - Leadtek WinView 601
card=18 - AVEC Intercapture
card=19 - LifeView FlyKit w/o Tuner
card=20 - CEI Raffles Card
card=21 - Lucky Star Image World ConferenceTV
card=22 - Phoebe Tv Master + FM
card=23 - Modular Technology MM205 PCTV, bt878
card=24 - Askey/Typhoon/Anubis Magic TView CPH051/061 (bt878)
card=25 - Terratec/Vobis TV-Boostar
card=26 - Newer Hauppauge WinCam (bt878)
card=27 - MAXI TV Video PCI2
card=28 - Terratec TerraTV+
card=29 - Imagenation PXC200
card=30 - FlyVideo 98
card=31 - iProTV
card=32 - Intel Create and Share PCI
card=33 - Terratec TerraTValue
card=34 - Leadtek WinFast 2000
card=35 - Chronos Video Shuttle II
card=36 - Typhoon TView TV/FM Tuner
card=37 - PixelView PlayTV pro
card=38 - TView99 CPH063
card=39 - Pinnacle PCTV Studio/Rave
card=40 - STB2
card=41 - AVerMedia TVPhone 98
card=42 - ProVideo PV951
card=43 - Little OnAir TV
card=44 - Sigma TVII-FM
card=45 - MATRIX-Vision MV-Delta 2
card=46 - Zoltrix Genie TV/FM
card=47 - Terratec TV/Radio+
card=48 - Dynalink Magic TView
card=49 - GV-BCTV3
card=50 - Prolink PV-BT878P+4E (PixelView PlayTV PAK)
card=51 - Eagle Wireless Capricorn2 (bt878A)
card=52 - Pinnacle PCTV Studio Pro
card=53 - Typhoon TView RDS / FM Stereo
card=54 - Livetec 9415 TV
card=55 - BESTBUY Easy TV
card=56 - FlyVideo '98/FM
card=57 - GrandTec 'Grand Video Capture'
card=58 - Phoebe TV Master Only (No FM)
type=0 - Temic PAL (4002 FH5)
type=1 - Philips PAL_I
type=2 - Philips NTSC
type=3 - Philips SECAM
type=4 - NoTuner
type=5 - Philips PAL
type=6 - Temic NTSC (4032 FY5)
type=7 - Temic PAL_I (4062 FY5)
type=8 - Temic NTSC (4036 FY5)
type=9 - Alps HSBH1
type=10 - Alps TSBE1
type=11 - Alps TSBB5
type=12 - Alps TSBE5
type=13 - Alps TSBC5
type=14 - Temic PAL_I (4006FH5)
type=15 - Alps TSCH6
type=16 - Temic PAL_DK (4016 FY5)
type=17 - Philips NTSC_M (MK2)
type=18 - Temic PAL_I (4066 FY5)
type=19 - Temic PAL* auto (4006 FN5)
type=20 - Temic PAL (4009 FR5)
type=21 - Temic NTSC (4039 FR5)
type=22 - Temic PAL/SECAM multi (4046 FM5)
type=23 - Philips PAL_DK
type=24 - Philips PAL/SECAM multi (FQ1216ME)