At 22:03 30/09/04, you wrote:<br><br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite=""><font face="arial" size=2>Two
<li>How do I view/edit what services are running for each
runlevel?</font> </blockquote>
</ol>Others have answered this I
think.<br><br><blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">
<li><font face="arial" size=2>Is there a way to have apt automatically
run "apt-get update" && "apt-get upgrade"
nightly?</font> </blockquote>
</ol>Yes. But in the true Unix/Linux spirit it isn't built in to
Rather than add features and weight to individual programs, Linux has a
separate service for running jobs automatically at specified times.
The service is called 'cron', and is generally accessed by using the
'crontab' command which builds and modifies the appropriate configuration
Fortunately for us mortals there are also friendly gui front ends
available. As I haven't got a running Ubuntu available today I'm
afraid I don't know which if any of these is available in this
distribution - sorry.<br><br>
Hope this helps you get on the right tracks.<br><br>