Odd behavior after xscreensaver unlock in 24.04.1 latest

MR ZenWiz mrzenwiz at gmail.com
Fri Sep 13 05:19:16 UTC 2024

I noticed this over the last few days.

I run xscreensaver as my regular screensaver and it usually activates
overnight if I don't start it explicitly.

It used to be that when I unlocked it, everything was back to normal.

Over the last week or so, I've noticed that it unlocks fine, but then
the keyboard does not respond at all until I change desktop screens
with the mouse (I run with 8 desktop screens all the time). Once I
click another desktop, everything goes back to normal.

This includes my keystroke shortcuts to switch desktops, enter a line
on any open terminal, any keyboard activity at all. None of it works
until I click something with the mouse.

Anyone else seeing anything like this?

Mark Richter, Bestselling Author, "Mystic Prince"
Retired Expert Software Engineer
Avid Xubuntu user/admin/fan
Registered Linux User #472807 http://counter.li.org/
FSF Member #12694 http://www.fsf.org

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