24.04: installer, disk encryption, power management: ubuntu going backwards in big steps?

Francis Grizzly Smit grizzly at smit.id.au
Mon Sep 9 21:46:40 UTC 2024

On 10/9/24 06:14, Josef Wolf wrote:
> Intro:
> ======
> I was using ubuntu (and suse) with full disk encryption and working power
> management for many years now. Never have had any problems up to 18.04.
> Starting with the subiquity based installer (which was introduced in 20.04
> server install image, AFAIR) all of this stopped working.
> For sure, none of the developers have actually tried to use the subiquity
> based installer to rearrage partitioning of the disk or for creating luks
> based partitions.
> Long story:
> ===========
> First, they broke the installer, so that it is no longer possible to delete
> partitions, so there is no way to repartition the disks (check thread starting
> withhttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2023-April/310142.html)
> In 24.04, it is STILL not possible to delete existing partitions. So there is
> no sane way to repartition a disk.
> Then, they removed the ability to create (luks) encrypted partitions. Still no
> way to create luks encrypted partitons in the (interactive) installer. It is
> not even possible to re-use existing luks partitions (at least not for / or
> /boot)
> So I went the hard way to create cloud-config based autoinstall images with
> storage layout to allow luks based full disk encryption
I used the installer for 24.04 to create Luks Encrypted using the 
interactive installer I cannot work out what you are talking about.
> Then I noticed, that power management would no longer work (check out thread
> starting athttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2023-April/310142.html)
> Display backlight and CPU always running at 100%. Not even special keys to dim
> LCD backlight are working any more, emptying laptop battery as fast as possible.
> In this thread I was even told BIOS is outdated and laptop is broken. Nothing
> could be further from the truth: using LVM based UNENCRYPTED install, powe
> management works fine (three different laptops from different vendors!)
> Lots of investigation later, I found that power management works ONLY with LVM
> based UNENCRYPTED install. Once any sort of disk encryption is involved, ANY
> SORT OF POWER MANAGEMENT STOPS WORKNG. LCD and CPU both constantly running at
> 100% Even the special keys to dim LCD backlight stop working.
> Maybe somebody should tell the ubuntu developers that the days to go without
> disk encryption are gone... Even windows comes with full disk encryption
> and working power management nowadays.
> As I wrote above: despite the drawbacks of the interactive installer, I
> actually CAN do installs with full disk encryption using subiquity based
> autoinstall feature..
> BUT there is still the problem, that any sort of power management stops
> working whenever any kind of disk encryption is used.
> WHY is that? THis worked fine up to 18.04.

    .~.     In my life God comes first....
    /V\         but Linux is pretty high after that :-D
   /( )\    Francis (Grizzly) Smit
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