lenovo X201 ThinkPad with Japanese/European layout

Chris Green cl at isbd.net
Thu Sep 5 07:36:47 UTC 2024

On Wed, Sep 04, 2024 at 09:39:45PM +0100, Ian Bruntlett wrote:
>    Hi,
>    The abovementioned computer has been donated to the Computer Wombling
>    Project. So it  will get refurbished and then given to someone who
>    can't afford to buy their own laptop. I'm in the UK so I will be
>    installing Ubuntu with English Language support selected.
>    However, I wonder if anyone has any recommendations for dealing with a
>    device like this.

We still have an X201 running xubuntu (I think 22.04 but might even be
a later version), they are excellent machines for running (Ubuntu)
Linux.  There are virtually no issues, they just work!  :-)

I put a SATA SSD in our X201 which was a big improvement.

If you were wondering about English on a Japanese keyboard I'm afraid
I've no experience of that. :-)

Chris Green

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