Question about Ubuntu and other Linux distributions as cellphone OS

Volker Wysk post at
Wed Oct 30 04:49:18 UTC 2024

Am Mittwoch, dem 30.10.2024 um 04:53 +0800 schrieb Bret Busby:

> Hello.


> After having just found and read the news report at
> which includes reference to monopolies involving google and android and 
> apple and its cellphone stuff and corrupt things with apple and google 
> and safari, I am wondering as to what degree, Linux, as Ubuntu or 
> otherwise, is available as an OS for cellphones, and, whether it can be 
> installed on cellphones that have another OS as the default OS.

It's not Linux, but there's the /e/OS operating system. It aims to protect
your privacy as much as possible and doesn't use any Google stuff. It's
Android compatible.

Alas, they dropped support for my phone, so I don't get any new upgrades.


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