octave plot crashes in 24.04 in remote ssh -Y session

Sarunas Burdulis sarunas at math.dartmouth.edu
Tue Oct 15 21:49:43 UTC 2024

On 2024-10-15 14:33, David L wrote:
> If I ssh -Y to my 24.04 system that has an nvidia graphics card from my 
> 22.04 system (which is the only place I've tried it from), open octave 
> and call plot(0,0), it crashes.

I can only confirm that it happens. Crash for plot() or figure() on a 
remote 24.04 system with Nvidia kernel modules. Also happens to Octave 
9.2. compiled from source of the latest release. So probably worth 

Sarunas Burdulis
Dartmouth Mathematics

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