nessus scan on 22.04 showing OLDER versions

Little Girl littlergirl at
Mon Oct 7 16:53:00 UTC 2024

Hey there,

Jerry Geis wrote:

>I have a scan of 22.04 (fully patched and rebooted)
>a nessus scan shows lines like:
>Ubuntu 20.04 LTS/ Ubuntu 22.04 LTS AppArmor vulnerability USN-7035-1
>Ubuntu 22.04 LTS ffmpeg vulnerability USN-5958-1
>(there are others also)
>Why do these show up on a fully patched system
>and how do I resolve them so a nessus scan is good ?

Because that release has some vulnerabilities. I'm not sure if using
Ubuntu Pro would automatically take care of them all, but perhaps
someone else can jump in here.

In the meantime (or if you already have Ubuntu Pro and are still
seeing those results), positives on scans always need to be manually

As an example, I investigated your ffmpeg vulnerability and got this
notice that offers a solution:

You'll want to do searches on each vulnerability and chase down
whether they're false positives or whether they're legitimate and
have solutions.

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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