24.04 Upgrade Issues

Jay Ridgley jridgley2 at austin.rr.com
Sat Nov 30 21:43:40 UTC 2024

Good afternoon,

I migrated to 24.04 LTS today from 22.04 LTS, however, not without problems.

First the upgrade from the pop up window  announcing the availability of 
24.04 failed and booted me to a command line.

After research I found an alternate start: apt --fix-broken install 
after which I did a manual upgrade, which worked. However when I booted 
the resulting system (I issued a shutdown - r now), I was presented with 
a tty login, not a one for GUI. I poked around and finally was presented 
with a GUI login. After doing a login from there I was able to get all 
my workspaces up(4) and several applications scattered around them.

My question is: How do I get a GUI login screen as the default, upon boot?

Jay Ridgley
jridgley2 at austin.rr.com
Registered Linux User ID - 9115
Registered Ubuntu User ID - 23320

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