Linux/Ubuntu laptop setup/install -- Steps for complete installation needed

bruce badouglas at
Wed Nov 20 18:15:19 UTC 2024


This is a continuation of my earlier thread for installing Ubuntu on a
HP/Windows laptop.

Basically, I'm looking to create a series of steps to install Ubuntu
on a "windows" laptop with no internal wifi, or built-in lan/eth.
These functions would come from usb adapters/dongles.

So, the 1st step would be inserting the liveusb!!

The rest of the steps is where I'm looking to get insight/pointers
(articles) from the list.

need to figure out how/steps to implement to
 install Ubuntu on the test laptop -- HP -"hp  17z-cp300"
 -using the ubuntu "liveusb"
 -the initial test laptop won't have built-in "eth port"
 -assume the initial "wifi" isn't supported by the "liveusb"/ubuntu
 -assume that the "wifi" will be (hopefully) provided by
  an external usb/wifi dongle
 -at the same time, assume the "eth/lan" function is provided
  by the external usb/lan dongle/adapter

need steps to:
 i) - configure/setup the SDD/HDD prior to installing Ubuntu
 II)  configure SDD -- Partition/Vol (how/steps)
 III) configure HDD -- Partition/Vol (how/steps)
 IV)  Vols -- how to create a "Vol" stucture for the SDD/HDD
               that would be used in a "corp" env, and what
               would examples be -- redhat has an example..

 At the same time, are vols created for SSD/HDD (both)

 Mount points as well..

 The test laptop will have 128G SDD, and 1TB HDD

I've looked over plenty of sites/articles/vids/etc, and thought I'd turn
 back to the lst to create an actual series of steps I can use to
 set up the system.

 (and no, haven't purchased the device yet, they're working on it!!)

comments/thoughts are welcomed.



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