Question about Ubuntu and other Linux distributions as cellphone OS

Bret Busby bret at
Fri Nov 1 18:33:36 UTC 2024

On 2/11/24 01:34, Ralf Mardorf via ubuntu-users wrote:
> On Sat, 2024-11-02 at 00:30 +0800, Bret Busby wrote:
>> On 1/11/24 19:40, Ralf Mardorf via ubuntu-users wrote:
>>> On Thu, 2024-10-31 at 10:20 +0000, Liam Proven wrote:
>>>> It might work one day
>>> In Germany we have a saying. "Man hat schon Pferde vor der Apotheke
>>> kotzen gesehen."
>> ?
> Translated: "Horses have been seen vomiting in front of the pharmacy."
> Horses can't actually throw up.
> If a horse that can't actually throw up does so in front of a pharmacy
> that sells medication that could help the horse that is throwing up,
> then on top of the unlikelihood that a horse could throw up, it is also
> a relatively unlikely place for a horse to do so.

Of course - after all, if a horse feels like it may be likely going to 
vomit, when it is outside a pharmacy, all the horse has to do, is go 
into the pharmacy, and get an anti-emetic, or something to settle its 
stomach, like NaHCO3, and, some MgSO4 (Epsom salts), to purge whatever 
is upsetting the horse's stomach, and then the horse will likely avoid 
vomiting when it is outside the pharmacy.

However, if multiple horses start vomiting outside a pharmacy, I would 
wonder what is included in the medications for the horses, obtained from 
the pharmacy.

Bret Busby
West Australia

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