First post -- Firefox image display issues

Little Girl littlergirl at
Wed May 15 16:03:02 UTC 2024

Hey there,

Ralf Mardorf via ubuntu-users wrote:

>What model of what brand of display are you using?

I thought I'd jump in and let you know that I'd been trying to help
with this off-list, but finally reached the limit of possibilities,
so I figured you guys might come up with something else. Here are all
of the things Gil has tried so far (except for the last one) with
their results:

* Update Firefox. <-- No difference.

* Create a new Firefox profile. <-- No difference.

* Do a Firefox refresh. <-- No difference.

* Create a new Linux Mint user.  <-- No difference.

* Boot with a live thumb-drive using the same release of the
operating system. <-- Works perfectly.

* Change Automatic/Light/Dark in Menu --> Settings --> General -->
Language and Appearance --> Website appearance. <-- No

* Check and compare and change settings in Menu --> Settings -->
General --> Colors --> Manage Colors... <-- No difference.

* Toggle hardware acceleration. <-- No difference.

* Run Firefox in Troubleshoot mode. <-- No difference.

* Change the color profile with gfx.color_management.mode. <-- No

* Toggle WebGL. <-- No difference.

* Change from a light theme to a dark theme or vice versa. <-- No

* Boot into a live USB with Ubuntu. <-- Not tried yet, I think.

No matter what's been tried, the images always look fine in Chrome
and are always dark in Firefox. The only time that doesn't happen is
when he boots with a live USB stick, which makes me suspect that
something changed on his system after installation, but I've got no
idea how to figure out what it is.

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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