using Bluetooth ( SOLVED ??? )

Tommy Trussell tommy.trussell at
Fri Jun 14 20:13:50 UTC 2024

On Fri, Jun 14, 2024 at 10:42 AM Bill Stanley <bstanle at> wrote:

> I got an answer.  I ran on the console   "hciconfig -a"   and there was
> no response from the console so the Bluetooth hardware is not on my
> computer.  It wasn't what I hoped but at least I know that I can stop
> trying.

 I ALMOST never use Bluetooth but now that it's in the GUI I see that it's
active. I ran your

hciconfig -a

command, and it gave me lots of information about the interface.

Then I turned OFF Bluetooth (using the widget on the screen) and ran the
command and...

nothing -- no response

SO you MIGHT still have Bluetooth but it might be turned off?

There's probably a "better" way to confirm whether you do or don't HAVE
Bluetooth, but you might try

sudo lshw | grep Bluetooth

If you get a "hit" then one of your built-in devices offers it. Mine shows
up on the usb bus.
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