How to connect WiFi to a specific AP?

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at
Sun Jul 21 06:39:59 UTC 2024

On Fri, 19 Jul 2024 16:11:00 -0400, Jeffrey Walton <noloader at> wrote:

Thanks for your feedback!

I am currently at my summer home so no physical access to anything back home.

But my home and summer home LAN:s are tied together over the Internet using
OpenVPN such that everything on both LAN:s can reach everything else.

So I can open the config pages on my router and AP at home from over here and
modify settings.

>Once thing to check for... disable 802.11 a (5 GHz), and 802.11 b (2.4
>GHz). They are old technologies, and they severely degrade throughput.
>And they caused my TP-Link 802.11 AC access points to lockup on
>occasion when an old cell phone or tablet connected. There's just
>nothing good that comes from supporting 1990s and early 2000s wifi
>technology nowadays.

On my ASUS AP WiFi General tab there is a "Band" setting which is now at 2.4 GHz
but can be switched to 5 GHz. There is no setting to use both bands...
I need 2.4G for the device that loses connection.

>For 2.4 GHz, enable 802.11 g/n mixed mode; and for 5 GHz enable 802.11
>n/ac mixed mode.

On the WiFi General tab there is a setting named "Wireless Mode", which is set
to Auto but has a dropdown where one can choose between:
- Auto
- N only
- Legacy

And there is a checkbox on the same line named "b/g protection", which is

I don't know what should be set here.

Maybe change to "N only" and uncheck "b/g protection"?

>And don't get clever with the channels. Keep them set to Auto. For
>Wifi versions like AC and AX, the hardware will do a much better job
>of provisioning around congestion in real time.

Further down on the General tab there is another setting named "Control channel"
which is set to 8, is this the one you advice should be set to Auto?

Then there is a different WiFi tab named "Professional" where there are lots of
items, but I don't see anything there related to your suggestions...

Still the trouble device keeps reconnecting to the far away router with -95 dBm
strength rather than to the close by AP with around -70 dBm strength...
It does this at about a minute's interval according to the MQTT logs.

If I was there I would try power cycling it but unfortunately I don't have that
option remotely. It is a 190 km round trip to drive home and back. :(

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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