Yet another typo: Foxclone questions related to cloning from a smaller to a bigger SSD.

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at
Sat Jul 13 02:44:43 UTC 2024

On Sat, 2024-07-13 at 04:18 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> # tar --xattrs -czf /mount/point/old_SSD/partition_x /mount/point/where_you_want_it/partition_x.tar.gz; echo $?


While the cp command has got the

  -T, --no-target-directory    treat DEST as a normal file

option, the tar command to my knowledge has not.

IOW the command should read

  # tar --xattrs -czf /mount/point/old_SSD/partition_x/* /mount/point/where_you_want_it/partition_x.tar.gz; echo $?

due to globbing, _only_ if no hidden items are present in
/mount/point/old_SSD/partition_x/ , but if hidden items are present, IOW
files or directories with names that start with a dot ("."), you need to
run either

  # tar --xattrs -czf /mount/point/old_SSD/partition_x/{*,.hidden_item_1,.hidden_item_2,.to_hidden_item_n} /mount/point/where_you_want_it/partition_x.tar.gz; echo $?

or, if your shell shouldn't be bash

  # cd /mount/point/old_SSD/partition_x/
  # tar --xattrs -czf * .hidden_item_1 .hidden_item_2 .to_hidden_item_n /mount/point/where_you_want_it/partition_x.tar.gz; echo $?

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