Who has practice experience with Foxclone, Rescuezilla or Clonezilla?

Ian Bruntlett ian.bruntlett at gmail.com
Mon Jul 1 20:36:36 UTC 2024


On Mon, 1 Jul 2024 at 21:22, Bas G. Roufs <basroufs at gmail.com> wrote:

> At present I am working with a fresh install of Kubuntu 24.04 LTS at a
> Lenovo Thinkpad X230, with the following specs at present:
> SSD of a bit less then 233 GiB, 250GB, Samsung EVO;
> 4 GB RAM.
> Right now, I am using about 90 GiB, a bit less then 97 GB: system and user
> files.
> I have much more user data at two external hard disks - from a laptop that
> has been stolen at the 27th of January 2024.
> Some weeks ago, I made a fresh, manual install of Kubuntu 24.04 LTS after
> formatting the 250 GB SSD with a GPT partition table and ext4 via GPARTED
> from  a Ventoy stick.
> I want to add an SSD of 1 TB and keep the old smaller SSD  - as an extra
> partition for Timeshift system backups. I already found out that both the
> old SSD and the new one can be inserted into the Thinkpad X230. By the way
> - for user file backups I use now Backintime.
> The 4 GB RAM consists of 2 memory banks of 2 GB each.
> I wanna replace them with an upgrade that fits in the X230: 2 memory banks
> of 8 GB each - DDR 3, 1600 MhZ, together 16 GB RAM.

OK. I recently bought 2 x 8GiB memory sticks to upgrade my Lenovo ThinkPad
I researched things heavily before I bought the RAM. I researched heavily
into what to do after the RAM was inserted (with a friend watching to make
sure I didn't do anything daft). The shopkeeper can do the upgrade for you.

However, one thing I made sure of was this: I made sure that after we
installed the RAM, the first thing I ran (from a VENTOY stick) was
memtest96+ v7 to make sure that the memory was working OK. My reasoning was
that I didn't want bad RAM to lead to random crashes and potential data



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