"bad interpreter: Input/output error"

Jeff atrocity at wywh.com
Fri Jan 12 23:32:47 UTC 2024

Just updated Ubuntu Desktop 22.04.3 LTS and everything went smoothly, 
but now any attempt to execute a shell or Python 3 script results in 
some version of the subject line.

I can prepend "bash" or the path to Python and it works normally, but it 
looks like something has rendered the system unable to interpret the 
shebang line.

Take this little two-liner for example:

print("Does this work?\n")

The above works fine if I enter "/usr/bin/python3 /path/to/script.py" 
but if--despite having previously worked for years--I just enter 
"/path/to/script.py" I get the bad interpreter error.

It's *not* a line feed issue or anything normal like that. Most of what 
I run hasn't been altered in a long time and this appears to be a 
universal issue across all scripts. The only thing that I do that may or 
may not be weird or relevant is that all my scripts are stored on a NAS 
so that multiple computers can access them. But that's been true for 
years without any issues.

I tried a reboot, but nothing changed. Curiously, I have a fully up to 
date Ubuntu Server 22.04.3 LTS box and everything there is still working 

I'm not really expecting to get a solution here, I'm just curious if 
anyone else has encountered this.


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