apt install error

Sorin Srbu sorin.srbu at ki.se
Thu Feb 15 06:53:06 UTC 2024

On Wed, 2024-02-14 at 13:34 -0500, Jerry Geis wrote:
> So what is the correct way to install packages "offline" ?
> I have the 20.04.3 system that I need to install packages - it has not
> internet.
> I have a 20.04.6 system - that already has "net-tools" installed.   
> How do I issue commands to download the files to the 20.04.6 machines
> (again net-tools are already installed) on this system - but I need it
> installed on 20.04.3 without breaking 20.04.3 future upgrading.
> Again - what is the correct way to manage and add packages like net-tools
> to a machine that has no internet and is behind.


Please remind me, did you have any other internet-connected servers on your
If yes, maybe create a local package repo on one of those, then point the
non-internetted server to the repo-server.
Could that work for you?

I'm now assuming the non-internetted server is on a private network, and the
repo-server is able to use two NICs, one connected to the internet, one to
the private network.

I'm speculating a lot here. :-}

Sorin Srbu
Drifttekniker, Serverdrift
Karolinska Institutet Universitetsbibliotek
Enheten för teknikstöd och bildproduktion,
Avdelningen för Verksamhetsstöd
Tele: 08-524 84166

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