Article: Firefox providing .deb package for Debian and Ubuntu users.

Bret Busby bret at
Fri Feb 2 11:39:09 UTC 2024

On 2/2/24 18:14, Ralf Mardorf via ubuntu-users wrote:
> Hi,
> Bret. The problem with YouTube's search algorithms is that you either
> need to know what exactly you want or else they make suggestions by
> what's most popular or whatever else.
> IOW if I search for "McCoy Tyner Giant Steps" I get exactly this.
> But if I search for "comparison of grand piano audio units for ipad" I
> usually get just the Sound Test Room and similar useless hits ... but
> right now I got the quite good link that I lost
> This is an excellent comparison, done by somebody with the right skills.
> When testing the sample and/or modeling quality he takes resonance and
> release and velocity dynamic behaviour into account.
> However, I didn't get this links this morning, all I got was the Sound
> Test Room and similar "high rated" YouTuber stuff.
> There's a difference between using the YouTube search for something like
> "goldberg variations glenn" and "what is the best piano app for ipad".
> Without doubts the YouTube search offers Glenn Gould on top of the hits,
> but you unlikely get something useful to get an impression of what app
> offers a good or bad upright piano or grand piano.
> A software manufacturer can be a YouTube advertising customer, which
> could be added to the other problematic criteria of the YouTube search
> algorithm.
> Regards,
> Ralf
I know that the youtube search engine (like google, that, I believe, 
owns youtube), "leaves alot to be desired" - in searching for the terms, 
sabre dance cello
I got all kinds of results, that did not involve cello.

I was seeking a video that I had previously watched, of an eastern 
european woman playing the piece on a clear (perspex?) cello, with 
dancers performing the (or, a) sabre dance.

After an hour of scrolling through search results, I gave up.

Which is one of the reasons why, upon finding a worthwhile video, I tend 
to download it, to be able to view it again, when I am inclined.

Also, in your searching, for a piano app, without knowing what the piano 
apps involve, if you are wanting it to emulate a piano, then, once 
again, without knowing the functionality of piano emulators, and, 
whether they provide multiple piano types, as selectable options, I 
expect that the particular type of piano, would need to be specified in 
searching for a piano app. For example, in the house in which I was 
raised, we had an upright piano, with which, we used to play, as 
children, and, which, my mother used to seriously play, from time to 
time (from memory, she could play the Sabre Dance, at about half speed), 
and, my sister, as a child, had some formal lessons to play that piano. 
But, whilst that piano was an upright piano, it was not a honky-tonk 
piano, and, a friend that I had, in my teens, who ran a music shop in a 
local town, showed me a honky-tonk piano, and he played some pieces on 
it, for me - he liked playing keyboards.

Bret Busby
Western Australia

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