windows/ubuntu dual boot

Volker Wysk post at
Wed Aug 21 10:01:19 UTC 2024


Am Dienstag, dem 20.08.2024 um 15:17 -0400 schrieb bruce:
> hi.
> Got an old windows laptop.It has/had ubuntu as dual boot. At one time,
> I know it had the ability to see the screen when logging on, to select
> the OS. This no longer happens.
> Any one know what might be happening, or what I can check?
> (Different sites, different possible issues based on net searching.)

Does your laptop give you a boot menu when you press some key at startup
time? Candidates are ESC, F2, Delete, F11 and probably more.

You could also look in the BIOS, if there can be configured a boot menu.

And, AFAIK, Grub shows up when you press ESC at startup time, in case it is
still installed.


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