firewalld with HUGE list of ip to drop

Jerry Geis jerry.geis at
Wed Apr 10 22:08:41 UTC 2024

Seems once I have gotten past the "threshold" which I dont know how
many that is - network performance DROPS considerably with many IP's in the
list to drop

The file to drop has at least 57000+ lines of IP addresses that have
attempted some kind of access to my servers. Either unwanted SSH, HTTP,

How is the correct way to DROP ip's with such a large number
and I do segments like
kind of entries. so each address is not individual.

Anyway if I stop firewalld the network performance jumps WAY back up to
over 800M but as soon as I restart firewalld - wait a while - network
performance drops again to around 10M

I also tried stopping firewalld and just use IPtables - same thing happens.

I also found ip addr blacklist kind of a command - but that was not
suggested because it had issues also.

How do I solve this ?

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