Share some ./home dirs between version

Grizzly Real_Grizz_Adams at
Wed Sep 20 10:20:04 UTC 2023

Tuesday, September 19, 2023  at 14:31, Ralf Mardorf via ubuntu-users wrote:
Re: Share some ./home dirs between  (at least in part)

>On Tue, 2023-09-19 at 13:01 +0100, Grizzly via ubuntu-users wrote:
>> I have on duel boot (22.04, 23.10 & Win7) I would like to share some 
>> directories from /home on 22.04 with 23.10, it seems a wast of storage space to 
>> have 
>> /mystuff/apps
>> /pictures
>> /Scripts
>> /web
>>  and maybe .wine 
>> [snip]
>> Can it be done? I know it is possible (but maybe not advisable?) to share a 
>> /Home between them as a whole


>yes, you can share



>You can either bind mount shared directories or simply use symbolic
>links. I recommend to use symbolic links and in the future a separated
>partition for shared stuff.

I fired up 23.10, renamed my Pictures dir (to falbackPictures), then

$ln -s path_to_22.04_home_Pictures Pictures
$ls Pictures

all looked as it should,

went to Settings to check that I could also see contents of Pictures when 
setting background, all looked good, background set to pic in (linked) Pictures 

deleted falbackPictures

went back to Settings to check that I could still see contents of Pictures when 
setting background, still looked good

shutdown now -r

on reboot background had defaulted to a Lobster (not Minotaur ??)

went to Settings, now cant see contents of Pictures to set background

$ln -s path_to_22.04_home_Pictures Pictures
$ls Pictures

all looked as it should, went to Settings, still couldn't see contents of 
Pictures to set background

Looked in (linked) Pictures from filemanager, right-click a picture, select 
"use as wallpaper" (or similar wording, on wrong box now)

went back to desktop, background still Lobster

should a symlink persist? did I miss a step,

the 22.04 disk is auto mounted (AFAIK) at boot, it is always there on te 

ideas please

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