Firefox behaving differently

Little Girl littlergirl at
Tue Sep 19 03:41:55 UTC 2023

Hey there,

Jim Byrnes wrote:

>Thanks it does help.  It confirms that it is not just me seeing this 
>behavior. Not a big deal I'll just delete them when I delete the
>other bits of info I get rid of, I was just surprised when it
>happened. When I get a chance I'll file a bug report with Mozzila
>and see what they say.

This follows right on the heels of my still-problematic theme issue
with Firefox that just recently occurred after a Snap update. I have a
feeling several odd changes were made in a hurry without thorough
testing. For the record, that script that Karl provided would work
nicely to isolate each Firefox window and completely get rid of it
without leaving a trace afterwards.

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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