Ventoy question

Phil phillor9 at
Thu Sep 7 23:46:46 UTC 2023

On 7/9/23 22:03, Liam Proven wrote:
>> I had eye surgery on both eyes six months ago and since then
>> everything is so bright.
> Cataracts?

Yes, and I'm on the waiting list for old man's surgery.

> I am not a big fan of the Cinnamon desktop but it has fractional
> scaling support, which Xfce has only a broken effort at. If you need
> bigger clearer text, Mint Cinnamon may be worth a try.

Cinnamon seems to popular and I've thought about investigating it more 
closely.  I'll make that today's project.

I only use a few applications on a daily basis and I've found adjusting 
the text size under settings or increasing the zoom setting to be 
adequate for now.



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