Theme issue with Firefox Snap update to revision 3068

Little Girl littlergirl at
Mon Sep 4 18:38:08 UTC 2023

Hey there,

Keith wrote:
>Little Girl wrote:

>> 	Fetching snap "firefox"
>> 	Fetching assertions for "firefox"
>> 	Install the snap with:
>> 	   snap ack firefox_3026.assert
>> 	   snap install firefox_3026.snap
>> Would I ignore that output and use your installation command
>> instead if I were to use a downloaded revision?
>Yes, in this case if you want to ensure the snap is not refreshed by 
>snapd again after installation. Installing with the steps above
>would be like downloading a deb package from the Ubuntu archives and
>installing it manually. However, when apt detects an update
>available for that version of the locally installed deb, it'll go
>ahead and update it with the "apt upgrade" command. With no assert
>metadata information listed in the  snapd assertion database for a
>snap, snapd will just assume the local snap comes from an
>unauthenticated 3rd-party source and won't attempt to refresh it.
>It's equivalent to a 3rd-party stand-alone deb package downloaded
>from a website and installed locally.

Excellent information. Thank you so much. Now I not only have the
necessary commands, but the reasons for them, too. This little
personal wiki Snap page is becoming a gold-mine of information.

>> Just curious, but in the event that I run out of patience, would
>> there be any harm in doing this to kick Snap in the pants and start
>> fresh?
>> 	sudo snap remove firefox
>> 	sudo snap install firefox
>No harm. To make sure snapd pulls in the firefox snap from the snap 
>store and not use any cached copy on disk, you can delete all the
>files under /var/lib/snapd/cache/ (not the directory itself, though)
>before installing.

Good to know, too, and also added to the personal wiki. Is there any
chance that the contents of /var/lib/snapd/cache/ are the culprit? Or
did my test of logging in under a different user and not having
the issue rule that directory out as the potential cause?

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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