Ubuntu and snap

Little Girl littlergirl at gmail.com
Fri Oct 27 18:24:13 UTC 2023

Hey there,

Oliver Grawert wrote:

>you have plenty of options (setting schedules for update windows,
>delaying updates or holding them forever to only do manual

Although this is mentioned on that page, examples aren't given at that
point in the document, so I thought I'd jump in and emphasize that a
hold is only honored in *automatic* refreshes that are done by Snap.
A hold is not honored and will be ignored in refreshes that you
manually run in a terminal window or from a script. For example:
	* The sudo snap refresh command will refresh all Snaps even
	  if they're held.
	* The sudo snap refresh firefox command will refresh the
	  Firefox Snap even if it's held.
It's that way by design so that you can override holds if you like.

>you can identify verified publishers by the little green checkmark
>next to the publisher entry.

Interesting. All of my Snaps have green check-marks except for
hunspell-dictionaries-1-7-200. A quick Google session shows that
LibreOffice (which comes with Kubuntu by default) uses it, but other
programs might, too. Is the lack of a green check-mark for that a
cause for concern?

Searching Google for a command to display which program(s) depend(s)
on a Snap is surprisingly challenging because no matter how you word
your search, most folks think you want to know what a Snap depends on
rather than what depends on a Snap. Is there a one-liner that can do

This is about the closest I could come to an answer, but isn't


Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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