Ubuntu and snap

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Fri Oct 27 09:43:06 UTC 2023

Am Freitag, dem 27.10.2023 um 10:16 +0200 schrieb Alessandro Baggi:
> Hi list,
> I've several CentOS 7 VPS that I want migrate to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.
> I'm 
> not new to Ubuntu LTS but I need some clarification about snap.
> 1) Snap packages get update automatically, I can disable this
> behaviour? 
> I don't like my server updating by itself.

you have plenty of options (setting schedules for update windows,
delaying updates or holding them forever to only do manual rewfreshes)


> 2) Suppose I install a software that is provided by a snap package. I
> discover that this software has a problem for my usage and I want to
> fix 
> it. How I can do this? I should wait that Canonical release the new
> snap 
> or I can modify the snap packages as I need? When using CentOS and 
> Debian I can take the source package, apply a patch and recompile the
> packages when it is needed.

you'd usually use "snap info <snapname>" and look for the "contact:"
line to report issues to the snap packager, note that only snaps marked
with "publisher: Canonical" are actually maintained by Canonical
... most of them come from third parties... 

you can identify verified publishers by the little green checkmark next
to the publisher entry.
> 3) I read Ubuntu PRO. The support is relative also to snap packages
> or 
> only for packages inside base and universe repos?

canonical maintained snaps are regulary updated with security fixes
from UbuntuPro ... other packagers snaps are in the hands of the
respective packagers though but if you own a snap package you get
regular security notifications about them to re-build and have them
pick up all security fixes from UbuntuPro ... it is in the end a matter
of the packager if they react to these regular notifications though.


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