Thunderbird email address display

Peter Flynn peter at
Thu Oct 5 16:39:56 UTC 2023

On 05/10/2023 12:48, Karl Auer wrote:
> On Thu, 2023-10-05 at 11:02 +0100, Peter Flynn wrote:
>> Bug reports to Mozilla are largely a waste of time
> And throwing insults is definitely 100% a waste of time.

My apologies, that wasn't meant to be an insult, just a statement of 
fact. In 25 years of using Mozilla software, I have only managed to 
submit one bug report. The rest were trapped by bugzilla and never saw 
the light. Maybe I was unlucky, but these days I leave it to others.

> I'm not defending them. I just take issue with people abusing FOSS
> developers for no good reason. State your case, state it strongly, 

I'm entirely on your side with this. I have stated my case before, on 
several occasions, elsewhere, and I'm not going waste anyone's time with 
repetition here.

> but when you start telling me, even in jest (and there was NO
> indication that Brett was even remotely in jest) that a FOSS
> developer is malignant and deliberately making malware, that's where
> you lose me. Unless it's actually true, which in this case it clearly
> is not.

The accusation was Brett's, I think, not mine. With two (I think) 
exceptions, one in 1994 and one in 1998, I have never known a FOSS 
developer do anything malignant.

> No-one is forced to use Thunderbird. There are lots of other
> programs. If Thunderbird does not meet your requirements, use
> something else.

On balance it continues to meet requirements because (in my case) of 
certain specific plugins. As you say, there are lots of other programs, 
although there are only a few MUAs of similar quality.


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