Strange mouse 'X' cursor
MR ZenWiz
mrzenwiz at
Tue Nov 28 19:46:37 UTC 2023
On Mon, Nov 27, 2023 at 8:41 AM Little Girl <littlergirl at> wrote:
> Hey there,
> MR ZenWiz wrote:
> >Little Girl wrote:
> >> That happens when you've enabled the "Install third-party software
> >> for graphics and WiFi hardware" checkbox during installation of
> >> Ubuntu and it means that your drivers are handled for you by
> >> Ubuntu.
> >>
> >Ok, how do I turn that setting off, or somehow control what it does?
> It looks like you can remove them in two steps shown in the
> "Uninstalling the NVIDIA drivers" section of this page:
> Note that I haven't tried it and if you decide to do it, you'd want to
> read the rest of that page to see what your choices are for going
> forward.
Just for the heck of it I went back to the default mouse cursor to see
what happened.
It's a little harder for me to see, however, when I ran Firefox and
Gimp, both of which would previously change the mouse cursor to that
blasted X, it did not change. (Interestingly, LO did not do this, nor
other apps I routinely run.)
I don't want to mess with the drivers - I used to be more adventurous,
but I'm not in that position anymore - too much critical stuff that
can't be allowed to go wrong on my desktop.
So, I'll live with the harder-to-see default mouse theme.
Thanks to all!
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