Problem with snap and obisidian

Colin Watson cjwatson at
Mon Nov 13 13:26:55 UTC 2023

On Mon, Nov 13, 2023 at 11:16:51AM +0000, Colin Law wrote:
> I installed Obsidian some time ago using snap. For some reason it is
> not updating to the latest version.
> channels:
>   latest/stable:    1.4.16 2023-10-13 (21) 114MB classic
>   latest/candidate: ↑
>   latest/beta:      ↑
>   latest/edge:      ↑
> installed:          1.2.8             (x1) 111MB classic
> sudo snap refresh says all snaps are up to date, so the question is,
> why will obsidian not update to 1.4.16?

The "x" in "x1" means that you installed that snap from a local file
(using --dangerous, I think), in which case snapd won't automatically
refresh it from the store.  "snap refresh --amend --stable obsidian"
should cause it to start following the stable channel from the store

Colin Watson (he/him)                              [cjwatson at]

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