Upgrading to 22.04 from 20.04 headless server

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at gmail.com
Mon Nov 6 09:35:19 UTC 2023

Question regarding upgrading my 20.04 LTS Ubuntu server to 22.04 LTS

I have recently upgraded a similar system which is runninga a virtual computer
Now I would like to also upgrade my home server to the latest released LTS
version. But the hardware situation is a bit different and may cause problems:

1) The system is a Lenovo Ideacenter 90MV minitower and it contains several
operating systems in a multi-boot config:
- Windows10 (it came with this and it must remain in order to be able to update
- Ubuntu 20.04 Desktop version (not used but is there)
- Ubuntu 20.04 Server, which is the active image

2) The system is headless, I only ever access it using SSH (PuTTY from my
Windows 10 PC)

If I run the dist-upgrade (via SSH) it will reconfigure the grub start menu, I
guess, and will that mean that on restart it will launch something else like
Windows or the Ubuntu Desktop?
There are actually more items on the grub boot menu but I have forgotten what
they were, I think I have a standalone GParted there as well...

So Can I safely do the upgrade without trying to attach a monitor to it?
Will it come back up into the newly upgraded Ubuntu Server 22.04?

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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