SOLVED: two problems with terminator: vi and line spacing/cursor size

M. Fioretti mfioretti at
Mon May 8 13:45:26 UTC 2023

On Mon, May 08, 2023 09:39:29 AM +0100, Chris Green wrote:

> > I explicitly wrote that this happens in insert mode. Of course I was
> > expecting "the left arrow key to move the cursor left". Why should I
> > expect anything different from pressing a key with a left arrow on it?
> > 
> Yes, OK, but that was why I asked what vi you were using.  Old vi
> don't recognised arrow keys in insert mode, they just insert the key
> sequence (which is what seems to be happening to you).

Ohhh, I get it now. And thanks to this hint, I was able to find this
askubuntu thread:

that says to write "set nocompatible" in .vimrc, and indeed that

As for the line spacing issue, I finally noticed that there is a
line_height option in $HOME/.config/terminator/config, which was set
at 1.8.

How exactly I got to change it, NO IDEA. But setting it at 1.0 fixed
the problem, which by the way is discussed here:

Thanks, everybody,

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